Wednesday, July 24, 2013

How to Give a Bath for a Cat, Alicia

Alicia Li
Reading & Writing 7
Process Essay

How to give a bath to a cat

      People love to keep their pets clean, especially pets having white fur. However, not every pet likes water as much as dogs do. Cats are the toughest ones of the common pets needing a bath. Smart cat bath givers need eagle eyes and quick-responding hands which are faster than their cats’. Giving a bath to a cat needs observation and care of cats; in addition, determination. It will be much easier if people notice cats are way much more panicked than people giving bath.

            The first step, of course, is to fill up the sink in the bathroom with warm water on a sunny afternoon. Because a cat’s body temperature is higher than a human’s, it’s a bad idea to take a bath in cold water. As soon as the preparation is done, find the cat which has been hiding since watching its owner filling up the sink. It might be fun to play “hide and seek” with a naughty cat, but for saving time and preventing the water from getting cold, be generous by opening a cat snack.

            Here’s the challenging step, washing a cat clean and keeping it from running away. Put the cat in the sink gently, but hold it tight. In most situations, cats tend to escape and grab the edge of the sink by their front paws. It’s okay to keep cats’ paws there but use a hand to hold their shoulder tightly with a proper strength like policemen do it to criminals. When the situation is controlled, use the other hand to clean the cat. Scrub its limbs, tail and body with soap. Do not sink its head, or any part that is above its neck. Instead, use a wet hand as a wash rag to lightly clean its dirty face. Rinse off the bubbles, and this washing process is done.

            Now, we are facing a serious danger, which is a watery cat that is scared from dryers. Put a long-sleeved jacket on and place a thick towel on your lap for safety. Afterward, sit on a chair next to where the dryer is plugged in, and grab the cat try to run away. Then place the cat on the lap. Hold its two front paws before turning on the dryer. While the cat is kicking a jacketed arm, dry the cat. It’s much better to get someone help holding the dryer and you hold the cat and dry it with towels. As soon as the fur is almost dry, let it go and take a deep breath.

            It’s not that difficult to give a bath to a cat. The real problem is its sharp claws. Most cat owners have experience scratches during the process. However, after a few times of bathing, most people will be aware of cats’ paws and be smart to keep away from that weapon. In my opinion, the most important thing is trying to have fun; therefore, cat bath giver will be better and better skilled.