Wednesday, July 24, 2013

How to Memorize Some Things Quickly, Aydeth

  Aydeth De los Santos
July 24, 2013
R/W level 7
Process Essay

                                       How to Memorize Some Things Quickly

    There are so many forms or methods that can help to memorize things quickly, but I personally use these three steps because these steps are simple, and they can help anyone.

    First, I use repetition because I have noticed that if I repeat a word or a name many times it’s easy for the mind to retain that information.

    Second, I use association why association? Because if I associate a word or a name with something that is already in my mind, it will stick more easily than if I don’t connect it with anything.

   For the third step, I use several of my senses like smell, touch, hearing and taste. It’s very unusual, but every time I use one of my senses, it’s really easy to remember something quickly.

    If you use repetition, association and your senses, you will notice that you are able to learn things more quickly than before they are very simple and easy to use, and with these three steps you will make your life a little easier.

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